I’M Not Here to Inspire YouEssays on Disability from a Regular Guy Living with Cerebral Palsy【電子書籍】[ Rob J. Quinn ]

I’M Not Here to Inspire YouEssays on Disability from a Regular Guy Living with Cerebral Palsy【電子書籍】[ Rob J. Quinn ]

<p>In this collection of essays, Rob J. Quinn offers insights on his own experiences as a man living with cerebral palsy and challenges the perceptions of people with disabilities offered by the able-bodied world. Many of the pieces are meant to give teens and young adults living with physical disabilities a new perspective on some of the issues they are dealing with in their daily lives. Quinn tackles topics such as going to school, physical therapy, dealing with the isolation that people with disabilities can experience, and pushing the limits of the physical abilities people possess despite a disability. <em>Im Not Here to Inspire You</em> is intended as a positive, yet honest look at aspects of living with a physical disability.</p> <p><strong>After reading several essays from Quinn, <em>Philadelphia Inquirer</em> columnist Daniel Rubin wrote that the writer chronicles his life unflinchingly.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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